
New Student Resource

Available Now: Scaffolding Discursive Texts- Student Workbook After copious amounts of editing and proof reading, my new student workbook is available for purchase. Scaffolding Discursive Texts- Student Workbook is a hands-on workbook designed for Year 12 students studying HSC Standard or Advanced- Craft of Writing. It scaffolds the key features used by writers of discursive […]

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PEEL,TEEL, OREO, STEEL, PETAL…Whats the difference?

PEEL, TEEL, OREO, STEEL, PETAL…What’s the difference? With the rise of genre theory and the inclusion of second language teaching techniques into mainstream classes , teachers have been giving their students scaffolds to help them to structure their writing. As a result, classrooms have become full of acronymns like PEEL, TEEL, STEEL and PETAL. But

PEEL,TEEL, OREO, STEEL, PETAL…Whats the difference? Read More »


Communicative strategies are strategies that are encourage students to actively use the targeted language/vocabulary in the classroom. This language is vitally important for all students are they encounter new subject specific language (Tier 3 language) and language across multiple subject areas (Tier 2 language) outside of their normal repertoire. In addition, communicative strategies are vital



How many times have you read a student’s work and wanted to pull your hair out in frustration at the number of grammatical errors that they make? One of the biggest mistakes is in the area of capital letters, but it is probably not surprising given the change to language use with posters, business signage,

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